티스토리 뷰


(i) Embarcadero 10.3.2 Launch Webinar

Think Hub 2019. 9. 10. 15:40

Google Play Store Android 32-bit Extension for Delphi & C++Builder Customers

* Google's Play Store team is considering extensions to the 64-bit requirement for out Delphi and C++Builder customers on an app-by -app basis.

* Starting August 1st, 2019, only app updates to existing Android 32-bit applications will be considered for an extension by the Google Play Store team, not new 32-bit Android applications.

   * Embarcadero customers can submit extension requests for Android 32-bit app updates to existing Google Play Store applications until August 2020.

* For new Android 32-bit applications, it's recommended that you submit them as soon as possible and start asking for an extension now,  so that you are not impacted by the deadline come August 1st.


How to request an extension:

* Visit out blog post at https://embt.co/32BitExtension for steps.


A Dephi Android 64-bit NDA Beta with Google Play Store deployment rights is planned for this summer.

* Features are not committed until completed and GA released
